Thursday, December 11, 2014



Lately in U.S History class we watched “Taking Chance” movie. This movie toughed my heart in many ways. “Taking Chance” is based on a true story.

When you see the title, and see that is about military, the first thing you think is that it must be an action movie. It is not like that at all.

But then when you read the subtitle When somebody falls, another brings him home; you realize that the movie is it going to be about the honor and the respect of a military.And that is exactly what it is about; the plot of the movie is that one volunteer military, Lt. Michael Strobl, accompanies the body of a 19 years old man, Marine Chance Phelps, to his hometown. Chance Phelps was killed in Iraq, while he was trying to save his friends. 

 The movie shows the parts of the protocol the military have to follow, when somebody dies. I learned a lot of thing from this movie.

It shows the all process that they have to follow. I did not know until know, and now I realize that they do it with all the respect, and honor that they deserve. They deserve all the honor and respect, because they gave the freedom, peace and liberty we have.

The respect that the people show along the trip to Chance hometown, it is emotional too. It shows us, how thankful the people are of their soldiers. One time in the movie, when Strobl was waiting for Marine Chance Phelps body, after the plane arrived to Minneapolis airport, the passengers were passing and the saw the Chance body; they stopped and stood up, showing respect to the fallen body and to all the military.

(The picture below you can see the passengers standing up showing respect to Chance Phelps).
It is amazing how the people even if they do not know the person feel the loss of the military soldiers. And they always demonstrate respect for them.

The courage the soldiers have is enormous. They go to the war, to fight, and to protect us. This movie shows us, the Marine Chance Phelps story, that it is one of thousands stories. A lot of soldiers go without knowing if they will come back or not. I can’t imagine how many families many people they are serving right now, there are thousands people, any type of person, women or men and young or old. They are in the Army to serve.

The lesson of this movie is to value the huge effort that the soldiers make, and to value the little things of the life, and the whole life in general. 

This movie made me think about a lot of things of the life. How easy and fast can go. We complain about silly things in our life, and we do not give attention to important things.
There is a phrase that Lt. Michael Strobl said that got my attention:
"I didn't know Chance Phelps before he died, but today, I miss him." 

It makes me think how the human being it is. We feel the loss of somebody even if we do not know it. How wonderful and painful is that.

I think this movie should be watched it everybody (not little kids, because they would not understand, not in that age). The reason that I think they should watch it, is because everybody should know the effort, and how brave the soldiers are. How they give up all their families and they go to serve.

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