Wednesday, April 8, 2015


American agriculture basically is family farming. A 40 percent of the land of Unites States is used to agriculture. 91% of United State farms are small farms, that mean less than 1,000 acres; and the rest, 9%, are large farming which means that they are more than 1,000 acres.

In Soviet Union, after World War II, the agriculture was bad. It dropped down. After Stalin died, the farming system changed, hoping to change the system in a better way. They usually brought the product to other countries of the world.

Comparing, the agricultural economy of United States was better than the Soviet Union.


 United States first did not want to be involved in this war. But MacArthur did want to get involved because, he was saying that we were going to make the same mistake that we did in the past with Germany.

In a way, I agree with MacArthur, because if you let the war build more and more, when you want to help probably is will be harder than it was before.

Then later United Stated got involved, because they felt that they needed to protect the weak countries.

United States and Korea had really difference ideologies, policy, and economy. They were pretty difference. 

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